Welcome To Bali Yoga Retreats

What you'll learn

  • 300-RYT course completion certification
  • You can register in Yoga Alliance after the completion of this course
  • In-depth understanding of Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, Anatomy& Philosophy
  • 178 pre-recorded course videos
  • 50-Hours of live session - 03:00 to 05:00 PM Indian Time
  • You can join live session from 1st to 25th OR 15th to 09th of any month
  • Live session will also be recorded and shared with you
  • Course Level - Beginner to Intermediate
  • Course Duration: 6 months - You can complete this course any time before 6 months
  • Course Manual, Books and study materials are included in the course fee
  • 10% discount on in-person courses valid for one year
Online 300 hour yoga teacher training course Wellness


People often want to enrich their lives by doing yoga. They search for some of the best yoga teacher training courses from the finest yoga gurus out there. If you are one such persona looking for such a place, you are in the right spot. This is a place where you will get your money’s worth regarding yoga training.

The online 300-hour yoga teacher training course is a specific course that builds up your comfort level with the old craft of Yoga – that may somehow require a long time to master! Creating a bridge between the mind and the body is what we encourage our students to first work on.

By preparing in Hatha Yoga, Philosophy, Pranayama, Anatomy, Meditation, Teaching Methodology, Ayurvedic information, mantras, Kundalini Tantra, and some, the course completely sets you up to pass on yogic lessons with full certainty while remaining consistent with your basic learning.

Yoga is the association of the body, psyche, and soul. The comprehensive course is notwithstanding setting you up to be a yoga instructor - likewise shows you the way of life and methods of a genuine yogi and how to live a full, cheerful and sound life.

Being a yoga instructor requires an incredible level of discipline and humility. Our accomplished instructors, drove by Yogi Vishnu, will be there to assist you throughout the journey that you take with us, along with answering any of the questions that you may have. A yoga teacher lives and inhales yoga, complete this course feeling changed, sure, whole, and associated with your Inner Self, with a solid feeling of direction.

Major Style of Yoga and other classes you learn!

  • Kundalini Yoga & Theory
  • Classical Hatha Yoga
  • Body Alignment
  • Adjustment of yoga pose
  • Teaching methodology and sequencing

What other subjects I will learn!

  • Basics of Ayurveda
  • Pranayama
  • Meditation
  • Bandhas (Energy Lock)
  • Mudras (Energy Gestures)
  • Yoga Philosophy
  • Yoga Psychology
  • Yoga Anatomy
  • Yoga Therapy
  • Satkarma
  • Satsang
  • Mantra Chanting
  • Question Answer Session
  • Assignments and examination

Be a part of Bali Yoga Retreat

  • Helpful and supportive Team
  • Ready to give an enlightening experience
  • Affordable courses
  • Ready to help even after the course completed

Why Bali Yoga Retreat

  • one of the most reputed yoga school in Bali
  • 10+ years of yoga teacher training experience
  • 7000+ yoga teachers already trained in all over the world
  • students from 60+ countries
  • Yoga Alliance & yoga alliance professional Registered school
  • 12 international centres wold wide
  • 30+ Highly experienced teacher working in Bali Yoga Retreat
  • offering 40+ life-changing Yoga and spiritual courses

Free days

  • Sunday is holiday and there will be no live class will be taught

Who this course is for

  • Who want to become a certified yoga teacher
  • Who want learn and expand their knowledge in yoga
  • Beginner to intermediate level students

Benefit of the course

  • Free Yoga Nidra Pre-recorded Course worth 170 USD
  • Free Classical Tantra Lecture (Pre-recorded) worth 120 USD
  • Volunteering opportunity in Bali Yoga Retreat
  • Eligible to join our other 300-hours Yoga teacher training course
  • Become a part of the Bali Yoga Retreat family
  • Self-control and deep understanding of life
  • Get motivated to open a yoga centre
  • 15% Discount in the future courses

Course Content

  • Welcome message by Guru Vishnu, Founder of Bali Yoga Retreat
  • Let's Start the course with the blessings of our Master Swami Rama
  • What you are going to learn in this course
  • Study Materials, Books, and Manuals
  • 300-Hours Yoga Teacher Training Manual
  • Teaching Methodology & Alignment Manual, Sequencing Manual
  • Book-Daily Life of a Yogi by Yogi Vishnu
  • Patanjali Yoga Sutra- Philosophy Book
  • Asana Pranayama Bandha Mudra Book
  • Meditation Book/Manual
  • Yoga Anatomy Book
  • Yoga Nidra Book
  • Mantra- Book, by Yogi Vishnu
  • HimalayanTradition
  • Assignment

  • It is a yoga festival in your home !!!
  • How to follow and Learn from class Videos
  • Assignments during the study
  • Yoga Alliance Registration and Accreditation
  • How will be your Final Exam
  • Certification
  • Opportunities after doing the YTTC with us
  • Benefits of doing 300 YTTC with Bali Yoga Retreat
  • What advanced courses you will be eligible to attend
  • Assignment

  • Following positive attitude
  • Transform your negative emotion
  • Daily Routine that you should follow
  • Assignment

  • Pawanmuktasana A-1
  • Pawanmuktasana B-1
  • Pawanmuktasana C,-1
  • Kneeling Postures Hatha Yoga-1
  • Standing Posture Hatha Yoga-1
  • Parsvottanasana-1
  • Standing Joint Movement -1
  • Balancing Postures-1
  • Sun salutation-1
  • Adjustment-1
  • Inversion-1
  • Fire Series-1
  • Hip Opening Postures -1
  • Sited Forward Band-1
  • Sited Twisting Postures-1
  • Assignment

  • 01 Alignment Adjustment-1
  • 02 Alignment Adjustment-2
  • 03 Alignment Adjustment
  • 04 Alignment Adjustment
  • 05 Alignment Adjustment
  • 06 Alignment Adjustment
  • 07 Alignment Adjustment
  • 08 Alignment Adjustment
  • 09 Alignment Adjustment
  • 10 Alignment Adjustment
  • 11 Alignment Adjustment
  • 12 Alignment Adjustment
  • Assignment

  • Introduction to Yoga Nidra
  • Sleep conscious, and clear your unconscious through Yoga Nidra
  • Benefits of practicing Yoga Nidra
  • Preparation for Yoga Nidra
  • Yoga Nidra can heal your Karma from the past life
  • Yoga Nidra-A connection to Divine Energy
  • Know your past life in Yoga Nidra
  • Extrasensory experiences and Meeting Light and sanges in Yoga Nidra
  • Yoga Nidra-Rotation of Consciousness
  • Steps and techniques of Yoga Nidra
  • Inner flame Yoga Nidra Practice
  • Inner Silence Yoga Nidra Practice
  • Golden egg Yoga Nidra Practice
  • Advance Yoga Nidra Practice
  • Assignment

  • Pain Makes all a philosopher
  • What are Philosophy and its importance?
  • Science of Karma
  • Purpose of Human Life
  • Founder of Yoga
  • Yoga is not a religion but LifeStyle
  • Yoga Philosophy is the philosophy of life
  • Eight limbs of yoga- Sanosha and Tapas
  • Religion-Belief-ignorance and Yoga
  • Yoga is the control of the operation of the mind
  • Philosophy is the search for Truth
  • Philosophy Lesson 12
  • Philosophy Lesson 13
  • Philosophy Lesson 14

  • What is Mantra
  • Shanti Mantra
  • Asato ma sad gamaya
  • Mritunjaya mantra
  • Panchakshar mantra
  • Ganesh Gayatri
  • Om Namah Bhagavate Vasudevay
  • Om Namah Shivay
  • Assignment

  • Introduction to Meditation
  • History of meditation
  • What is Meditation
  • Scriptures meditation
  • Meditation manual
  • Secrets of Meditation
  • Important things in Meditation to know
  • Preparation to meditation
  • How to sit in meditation
  • Asana for Meditation
  • Body Position
  • Difference between human and animal
  • Swastika asana- perfect meditation pose for all
  • How to practice Vajrasana to meditate
  • Siddhas- meditation pose for kundalini awakening
  • Padmasana- Lotus for Advance students
  • Matri Asana for Elderly and weak body
  • Diaphragmatic breathing for enhancing meditation
  • Full Body Relaxation
  • Assignment

  • Welcome to Pranayama
  • Introducing Pranayama
  • Aspects of Breathing
  • Levels of Prana
  • Books and scriptures of Pranayama
  • General understanding of pranayama
  • How to activate nostrils
  • Secrets of Pranayama
  • Purpose of Pranayama
  • Breath and 5 Elements
  • Units of Prana
  • Functions of Prana
  • Three Gunas
  • How Prana Flow
  • Quality of Breath
  • Imbalance of Prana
  • Retention of Breath
  • Sukhasana- posture to practice
  • Swastikasana - posture for pranayama
  • Vajrasana- posture for pranayama
  • Siddhasana- Posture for Pranayama
  • Padmasana- Lotus pose to Breath
  • Maitri Asana for pranayama
  • Breathing Pattern
  • Clavicular Breathing
  • Thoracic or Chest Breathing
  • Diaphragmatic Breathing
  • Yogic Breathing
  • Pranava Pranayama
  • Nadi Sodhanam Pranayama
  • Bhastrika Pranayama
  • kapal Bhati Pranayama
  • Panchakosha-Pranayama
  • Pranayama philosophy
  • Assignment

Student Feedback

Online 300 hour yoga teacher training course Online 300 hour yoga teacher training course


Online 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

Yogi Vishnu Panigrahi

Yogi Vishnu Panigrahi has been steeped in spiritual endeavors since childhood. As a young boy, his grandfather advised him to meditate and pursue spirituality from an honest and pure perspective.
A Radhe-Krishna Temple was constructed by his grandfather in their village in Odisha, India where Vishnu would frequently serve food and water to wandering sadhus.
In the larger town ten kilometers away from his village, young Vishnu would skip school and attend the Satsang (spiritual company and discourse of the saintly) of several swamis, counting among them was Swami Avdheshanand Giri of Haridwar. He found a Kalyana-Mitra (a friend on the noble path) in a boyhood friend who would arrange to meet with him at 3 a.m. in secluded places away from the village. Here they would join for meditation and chant "Mohamudgaram," a famous hymn by Adi Shankaracharya, to dispel their fears and gain vairagya (intense inclination to renunciation).
On Sundays and holidays, Vishnu would serve the impoverished people at the nearby hospital by washing them and taking care of those waiting and recovering from treatment. There was always a lack of nurses to care for the patients who had to lay on the cement floor with bare facilities. One day, young Vishnu met an old man who had a horrible odor with small worms attached to his legs. He was neglected by the doctors for a long time but eventually, his legs were treated and bandaged. For a few days, Vishnu took it upon himself to care for the man by cleaning his beard and taking care of his every need. The man was so grateful and — driven to happiness the old man blessed young Vishnu.

Online 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

Yogi Rajeev Kumar Nautiyal

Yogi Rajeev Kumar Nautiyal holds a bachelor in Engineering from Graphic Era University. After months of experience in the area, he felt the need to change his life for a more meaningful one and found himself immersed in yoga as a life-changing philosophy. As well as attaining a 500-hour TTC certifi cate, he has also graduated in Yogic Science from Uttarakhand University and in Yoga Naturopathy. He currently teaches hatha, vinyasa, Ashtanga and Pranayama.

Online 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

Yogi Surendra

Yogi Surendra, has been instrumental in the Yogic path since 2000.
With a deep quest for spirituality, he started practicing Meditation from his teenage and continuing the exploration of inner world with the joy of sharing it to fellow travelers. Professionally trained as an Electrical Engineer, he worked with India’s top Engineering Institute (IIT Roorkee) and Multinational Companies before fully dedicating himself to the cause of Yoga. He has been trained extensively in Yogic Science from various world-renowned Yoga institutes and holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga Education (PGDYed) from Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, Lonavala and a Master of Science (MSc) degree in Yogic Science and Holistic Health.
He is a qualified Yoga Teacher under AYUSH, an Indian government agency dedicated to promote Yoga and other alternative therapies, with its highest level of evaluation and recognition for Yoga Professionals. Apart from his Yoga training, he is also a Certified Sound Healer from IASH and Master of Self Hypnotherapy from California Hypnosis Institute. Currently, he conducts in=depth Yoga and Meditation teacher training in association with Yoga Schools in Rishikesh. Since his association, he has successfully trained hundreds of students from more than 40 countries to become professional Yoga and Meditation teachers.

Online 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

Ashutosh Mishra

Ashutosh Mishra born and bought up in Rishikesh, known as international capital of yoga, it was in his gene to enjoy and explore the great ancient art of yoga, and he is strongly rooted in Hatha yoga and Therapeutic yoga. His style is dynamic combination of intelligent sequencing and alignment for t he body and health condition of the person. He was introduced to yoga at a very tender age. So his father enrolled him at the University of Patanjali. He spent three years at the University and earned his Bachelor’s Degree in yogic science. He did his master’s in yoga therapy from Uttarakhand Sanskrit University. After finishing his master’s in yoga therapy he decided to carry the mantle of promoting yoga and help all the possible people who longing for help through yoga by being a yoga teacher. He started to practice karma yoga in the Ashram, helping local and international students to overcome the cultural barrier and learn the life style of the Ashram. He is teaching to all others both therapeutic and TTC students, and also attending class of other teachers in all possible opportunity make Ashutosh ji to turn the finest skills, and the “continue to improve” mentality make a great asset for any organization.

599 USD 999 USD 50% off

This course includes:

  • 178 course videos + 50 hour live classes
  • 50 hour live classes: 03:00 PM to 06:00 PM Indian time
  • Study Materials
  • Yoga alliance Accreditation
  • Certification of Completion
  • 6-month access
  • Compatible with Mobile, Desktop and Tablets
Enquire Now

Why Choose Our Online Yoga Certification?


Learn in your comfort zone and get access to your all devices like no boundaries. Ask live questions from your trainer and be a part of discussions.


No travel plans for yoga course anymore hence more savings. You get exact same training as we conduct in Rishikesh at affordable price.


From course manual to online class room setup, We will make it all for you. Watch videos even if you miss any live streaming session.

Frequently Asked Questions

This course is designed by some of the best and experienced yoga teachers of various schools in India. The course syllabus, certification, and everything else remains same as the in-person course. So this 200- hour onlne yoga teacher training course is as effective as the in-person course.

Yes, you can register as a Yoga teacher in Yoga Alliance after successfully completing this course.

No, there is no extra fee involved after the purchase. You need to pay only the fee that is shown on the website.

Yes, this course is certified by Yoga Alliance which is valid all over the world.

No, All the books and study materials required for the course will be included in the course.

No, the course does not include live classes. All the lessons will be provided in the provided through pre-recorded videos

Yes, this course is specially designed for beginner to intermediate level students. You can easily follow this course if you are new to yoga.

The supported payment methods are PayPal, Credit card and Stripe.

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