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Kids Yoga Teacher Training Course in Bali Wellness
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Kids Yoga Teacher Training Course in Bali

Children are young buds waiting to bloom into fragrant roses of the future. They are our promising younger generation – the torchbearers of a bright tomorrow! A healthy future is dependent on well-groomed children. Undoubtedly, Yoga is the quintessential component of achieving this noble aim of grooming our future heroes. 

Ancient India used to expose children to traditional spiritual practices of Yoga asana and meditation from a very young age. Thanks to a wonderful system of ‘Gurukula’, they started receiving the nectar of our cultural and spiritual heritage quite early in their lives. 

Childhood is the ideal time to learn Yoga.This is the time when both the body and mind are flexible and receptive. Hence an individual is ready to accept fresh patterns and thought processes as well as moral virtues. Learning Yoga in one’s tender years will gift him with a strong foundation and immunity against diseases. Daily Yogic discipline will empower kids with stable spirits, lighting the flame in their path for a long and peaceful life.

It is essentially for this reason that we encourage you to enrol our tiny tots for our exclusive Children Yoga Teacher Training course in Bali. As we all know, Bali is a lush, spiritual island in Indonesia enriched with a unique Zen-like energy. This ‘land of the Gods’ beckons Yoga addicts from war and wide. The high-octane divine aura of this gorgeous island nation is a perfect destination for a lovely Yoga journey with the younger generation! 

The rate of learning among kids is better and so is their body litheness. So, particular attention needs to be offered while teaching them the nuances of Yoga and meditation. Our Children Yoga Teacher Training course brings out the best of yoga potential in your younger ones. We make sure our group of Yoga trainers make dedicated efforts to instil a passion of Yoga among your children and treat them affectionately throughout the entire program. Our certified Yoga instructors make each session lively and enchanting for your kids. 

Salient features of our Children Yoga Teacher Training course:-

  • Brief analysis of child psychology and ways to tackle different kinds of kids
  • Specially equipped child-proof zone for yoga classes to engage the kids
  • Guidance on techniques to create interesting Yoga schedules or classroom plans for kids yoga sessions 
  • Yoga asanas for special children
  • Orientation to adhere to Yoga ethics of love, peace, harmony, patience and tolerance with children 
  • Providing adequate time to students to learn at their own pace


If you are looking to enhance your yoga teaching for kids, join our Kids Yoga Teacher Training in Bali, where you can learn effective practices. Professional trainers will give you knowledge of different art of teaching kids yoga. With the training programs, you can learn both theory and practical skills that can help you create a fun and playful yoga classes for kids.The program will cover significant approaches related to yoga for kids. Our professional trainers will provide you with real practical experience. You can begin taking small classes within the training program to improve teaching skills.

With Kids Yoga Teacher Training in Bali, you can understand traditional yoga ethics, mindfulness, meditation for children, kid’s development, classroom management, and different poses to enhance your skills in kid’s yoga class. You will learn the best techniques and content relating to appropriate yoga and mindfulness for kids through the training program. You will gain a deeper knowledge of various yoga practices and inner child exploration.

What you will learn

Anatomy Of Kids Yoga

  • Anatomical Development
  • Muscular/Skeletal Growth
  • Parts of the body
  • Systems of the body
  • Essential Alignments
  • Contraindications
  • How to teach anatomy to children
  • Necessity of anatomy before you teach yoga to children
  • the effects of exercise and postures on all systems
  • energy anatomy and physiology (chakras, nadis, etc.).

Teaching Skill Development

  • Explore developmental changes to children and how to effectively teach yoga to them.
  • How do children work?
  • What do their bodies need?
  • What is flexibility and how much is too much?
  • Necessity of anatomy before you teach yoga to children
  • The ins and outs of your young yogis’ bodies.
  • How to teach your students to respect and care for their own bodies.
  • how to safely and effectively practice and teach postures while minimizing risk of injury.

Understanding The Secrets Of Kids Yoga

  • Eastern and Western views of the mind and body
  • Developmental Stages & Cueing of Asana
  • Early Childhood (18mo-4yrs) Development
  • Primary School (5-14yrs) Development
  • Secondary School (15-18yrs) Development
  • Yoga for Special Populations & Contraindications
  • Yoga for students with physical adaptations
  • Yoga for students with cognitive adaptations
  • Learn how children's bodies differ from adults and what their needs are at each point in their development.

Teaching Methodology

  • Preparation is the key of success
  • Choose music that makes sense
  • Get into the studio/Yoga hall early
  • Clear instruction
  • Set up the pose
  • Try verbal cues instead of visual ones
  • Be child like, not child-ish
  • Yoga Teacher are forever students
  • You may consider simple verbal instruction


  • Steam Train Breath
  • Dragon Breath
  • Bear Breath
  • Mantra Breath
  • Ocean Breath
  • Belly Breath
  • What is calm breathing
  • Why is calm breathing important
  • Calm breathing Techniques
  • Bubble Blowing
  • Teens Belly Breathing
  • Alternative Nostril Breathing
  • Bunny breath- Happy breathing
  • Straw Breath- Cooling Breath
  • Hissing Breath-Cobra Breath
  • Humming Bee Breath- Bumble Bee Breath
  • Bellows Breath- Belly breath
  • Ha Breathing- Wood Chopper

Concentration & Meditation

Concentration & Meditation

  • Meditate as a kid
  • Why teaching kids meditation is easier than we think it is
  • The 5 benefits of teaching kids meditation
  • Meditation tips and techniques for kids
  • How meditation music enhance kids meditation
  • Children naturally exercise mindfulness
  • Meditation enhances focus
  • Meditation Fosters self-esteem and self love
  • Thankful meditation for inner stability and security
  • Meditation for relieving stress and pek performance
  • Meditation for Health and emotioinal development
  • Meditation for enhancing empathy and connectedness

Meditation Techniques

  • Snowman Relaxation
  • Children’s Rainbow Meditation
  • Mindful Breathing for Kids (longer version)
  • Mindful Breathing for Kids (Shorter version)
  • Mindful Hearing for kids
  • Guided Relaxation for children
  • Magic Book Relaxation
  • Bouncing Ball Mindfullness
  • Magic Forest meditation
  • Whirly Burly Snow Storm Meditation
  • Body Scan

Meditation Music

  • Sea Relaxation: Deep Meditation music for Kids
  • Meditation Music for kids and chakra healing
  • Deep meditation music
  • Quiet Music for Learning & Relaxing
  • Calming music for children
  • Calming Baby sleep music
  • Pereehali by Dmitry Evgrafov
  • Shri Saraswati Son- Mother you are my guru
  • Pure attention
  • Around and Around

Fun Yoga Game For Kids Yoga

  • Freeze Dance Yoga Style
  • Yoga Race
  • Yoga Challenge
  • Silly Train

Yoga Philosophy

  • Pure Perception
  • Intuition comes from within
  • Yoga Postures and Nature like tree, animals, birds
  • How yogis lives in the forest, caves and mountains
  • What yogis observed there being in nature
  • How they developed Yoga
  • What is yoga and its benefits
  • Yoga an ancient science
  • Benefits of Yoga-flexibility, strength and happiness
  • Happiness is our natural state
  • Eight limbs of Yoga
  • Yama for kids
  • Niyama for kids
  • Swadhyaya for kids
  • Importance of prayers and surrender to Divine

Nutritions For Kids

  • Introduction to Nutritiion
  • Protein
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Grains
  • Dairy
  • Added Sugar
  • Saturated and trans fats
  • Guidelines for girls and boys from ages 2 to 3
  • Guidelines for girls and boys from ages 4 to 8
  • Guidelines for girls and boys from ages 9 to 13
  • Guidelines for girls and boys from ages 14 to 18


Kids Yoga grows confidence

  • Why
  • How

Kids Yoga Promotes a healthy body

  • Why
  • How

Kids yoga Improve concentration

  • Why
  • How

Kids yoga helps to manage stress in kids

  • Why
  • How

Kids Yoga promotes inclusivity

  • Why
  • How

Kids Yoga Introduces kids to Mindfulness

  • Why
  • How

Kids yoga teaches through stories and song

  • Why
  • How

Kids yoga improves coordination and balance

  • Why
  • How


  • Boat Pose/Kayak/Naukasana
  • Bow Pose/DhanurasanaAngelfish
  • Cat pose/Didalasana/Jaguar
  • Bridge Pose/Setubandhasana/Overpass
  • Chair pose/Utkatasana/Kangaroo
  • Child’s pose/Balasana/Mouse
  • Butterfly pose/Titliasana/Book
  • Cobra pose/Bhujangasana/Swan
  • Cow pose/Bitilasana/wolf
  • Crescent Moon pose/Ardha chandrasana/Giraffe
  • Dancer’s pose/Nataraja asana/Crane
  • Dancing Ganesha/Nritya Ganesh Asana/Dancer
  • Dolphin pose/Ardha pinch mayurasana/Dolphin
  • Downhill Slier/Ardha Utkatasana/Downhill skier
  • Downward facing dog/adho mukhaswanasana/Pyramid
  • Easy pose/Sukhasna/Cloud
  • Extended Child’s Pose/Uttita Balasana/Turtle
  • Extended Cat pose/uttita Bidalasana
  • Extended Mountain Pose/Uttita Parvat Asana/Fountain
  • Extended Side Angle Pose/Uttita Parsvakonasana/Sailboat
  • Flower pose/Pushpasana/Flower, Anemone
  • Gyan Mudra/Genture of Knowledge/Fox
  • Half shoulder stand/Ardha Sarvangasana/Candle
  • Happy Baby pose/Ananda Balasana/Spider
  • Hero Pose/Virasana/Deer
  • Horse Stance/Utkata Konasana/Frog
  • Kneeling /Uttita Vajrasana/Seahorse
  • Knee to chest/Apanasana/Riding a Bike
  • Legs up the wall/Viparitakarani Asana/Candle
  • Locust pose /Shalabhasana/Shark
  • Lotus Mudra/Padma Mudra/Porcupinie
  • Lotus pose/ Padmasana/Meditating
  • Lunge pose/Anjaneyasana/Runner
  • Pigeon Pose/Rajkapota Asana/Sea Gull
  • Plank pose/Santulanasana/Lizard
  • Mountain Pose/Pranam Asana/Cactus
  • Eagle Pose/Garud Asana/Eagle
  • Puppy Pose/Uttana Shishosana/Diving into a pool
  • Reclining Buterfly pose/SUpta Baddha Konasana/Butterfly
  • Resting pose/Savasana/Sunbathing
  • Reverse table top pose/Viprit Marjari Asana/Bed Bridge
  • Seated Forward Bend/Paschimottan Asana/Sandwich
  • Seated twist/Ardha Matsyendra asana/Moose
  • Shark pose/Sarpasana/swimming
  • Staff pose/Dandasana/Rowing a boat
  • Standing Forward Bend/Pada Hastasana/Ostrich
  • Squat pose/Malasana/Monkey
  • Table top pose/Marjariasana/Bed
  • One Legged Dog pose/Ek pada adho mukha svanasana/Donkey
  • Tortoise pose/Kurmasana/Clam
  • Tree pose/Vrikshasana/Flamingo
  • Triangle pose/Trikonasana/Sailboat
  • Upward Facing Dog pose/Urdhva Mukha savanasana/Sea Lion
  • Triangle forward bend/Parsvotttanasana/Zebra
  • Warrior 1/Virbhadrasana 1/Warrior
  • Warrior 2/Virbhadrasana 2/Archery
  • Warrior 3/ Virbhadrasana3/Scuba driver
  • Wide legged forward bend/Prasarita Padottanasana/Elephant
  • Fish pose/Matsyasana/Fish
  • Hopping frog pose/Manduka asana/Hopping frog
  • Hopping rabbit pose/Naman pranamasana/Rabbit
  • Scorpion pose/Vrishchikasana/Scorpion
  • Half spinal pose/Ardha Matsyendra asana/Half spinal
  • Archer’s pose/Akurna dhanurasana/Archer’s
  • Sleep Thunderbolt pose/Supta Vajrasana/Sleep thunderbolt
  • Camel pose/Ustra asana/Camel
  • Plough pose/halasana/plough
  • Mermaid pose/Eka pada rajakapotasana/Mermaid

Refund Policy

All aspirants are advised to carefully consider the time and resources required for the course before forwarding the application for the teacher training course. The deposit submitted with the application is not refundable. However, in case of emergencies and other unavoidable experiences the Bali Yoga Retreat, at its discretion permits students to go for any other scheduled course. We therefore recommend that all applicants carefully examine their upcoming obligations so that they may be able to devote their full attention to the teacher training program.


  • Accommodation(Air Conditioner Room)
  • Daily Nutritious Meals
  • Outdoor yoga class
  • Weekend excursions
  • Yoga material
  • Kirtan session
  • Sacred Fire Ceremony
  • Balini Culture experience
  • Towels and bed sheet
  • Online Pre-recorded preparatory course videos after booking


  • Medical expenses
  • Insurance
  • Visa
  • Toiletries
Kids Yoga Teacher Training Course in Bali

Course Schedule

Start Date End Date Avalaibility Price Booking
Start Date26 January 2024 End Date30 January 2024 SeatsAvalaible Shared Room Price$999
Start Date26 February 2024 End Date28 February 2024 SeatsAvalaible Shared Room Price$999
Start Date26 March 2024 End Date30 March 2024 SeatsAvalaible Shared Room Price$999
Start Date26 April 2024 End Date30 April 2024 SeatsAvalaible Shared Room Price$999
Start Date26 May 2024 End Date30 May 2024 SeatsAvalaible Shared Room Price$999
Start Date26 June 2024 End Date30 June 2024 SeatsAvalaible Shared Room Price$999


Course Price Private Room Super Dulex 2 Shared Room 6 Shared Room

Book Now

26th To 30th Aug 2024 02 Seats Left

Private Room $999$1399 

Super Dulex $1199$1599 

2 Shared Room $899$1299Females Only

6 Shared Room $699$1099Females Only

26th To 30th Sep 2024 03 Seats Left

Private Room $999$1399 

Super Dulex $1199$1599 

2 Shared Room $899$1299Females Only

6 Shared Room $699$1099Females Only

26th To 30th Oct 2024 03 Seats Left

Private Room $999$1399 

Super Dulex $1199$1599 

2 Shared Room $899$1299Females Only

6 Shared Room $699$1099Females Only

26th To 30th Nov 2024 04 Seats Left

Private Room $999$1399 

Super Dulex $1199$1599 

2 Shared Room $899$1299Females Only

6 Shared Room $699$1099Females Only

26th To 30th Dec 2024 04 Seats Left

Private Room $999$1399 

Super Dulex $1199$1599 

2 Shared Room $899$1299Females Only

6 Shared Room $699$1099Females Only

26th To 30th Jan 2025 06 Seats Left

Private Room $999$1399 

Super Dulex $1199$1599 

2 Shared Room $899$1299Females Only

6 Shared Room $699$1099Females Only

26th To 28th Feb 2025 06 Seats Left

Private Room $999$1399 

Super Dulex $1199$1599 

2 Shared Room $1999$1299Females Only

6 Shared Room $2799$1099Females Only

26th To 30th Mar 2025 06 Seats Left

Private Room $999$1399 

Super Dulex $1199$1599 

2 Shared Room $899$1299Females Only

6 Shared Room $699$1099Females Only

26th To 30th Apr 2025 07 Seats Left

Private Room $999$1399 

Super Dulex $1199$1599 

2 Shared Room $899$1299Females Only

6 Shared Room $699$1099Females Only

26th To 30th May 2025 07 Seats Left

Private Room $999$1399 

Super Dulex $1199$1599 

2 Shared Room $899$1299Females Only

6 Shared Room $699$1099Females Only

Accommodation (Air Conditioner Room)

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